Russia’s first private oncology clinic
Russia’s first private full-service oncology clinic opened its doors in November 2008 in the Pesochny settlement on the outskirts of St. Petersburg. It started the development of the therapeutic line in the activities of the Sergey Berezin Medical Institute (MIBS), that by that time had already taken a firm leading position in Russian radiology.
Today, the MIBS Oncology Clinic is one of the most modern medical institutions of this profile in the country. We are the undisputed leaders in our field in terms of the level of knowledge, experience and professionalism of medical staff, as well as in the range of diagnostic, surgical, radiosurgical and radiotherapy equipment at our disposal.
Comprehensive approach
From the first day of the Clinic's operation, we have been implementing a comprehensive approach to cancer treatment using advanced methods of radiation therapy, surgery, and drug therapy. An interdisciplinary panel of doctors, including oncologists, radiotherapists, neurosurgeons, surgeons, chemotherapists and anesthesiologists, develops personal therapy tactics for each patient. The well-coordinated interaction of the multidisciplinary team allows determining the optimal treatment plan and monitoring its effectiveness at all stages, making timely adjustments if necessary. The attention of doctors - therapists, physiotherapists, psychologists - helps patients to better cope with the disease during their entire stay in the Clinic.

Fast-Track Surgery
Our highly qualified oncology surgeons perform interventions of any complexity, in any volume, at any stage of the disease, removing tumors both in the traditional (open) way and using laparoscopic and endoscopic equipment. Removal of tumors of the central nervous system by MIBS neurosurgeons is carried out under the guidance of a surgical microscope ZEISS OPMI PENTERO 900, which represents the next generation visualization system. The medical equipment of the Clinic allows our doctors to choose minimally traumatic methods of surgical treatment, with a preference to organ-preserving operations.
The surgical department of the Clinic is represented by a modern surgical suite with an anesthesiology, resuscitation and intensive care unit. The treatment process is based on the FastTrack principle (fast-track surgery), the implementation of which reduces the traumatic load on the patient's body, ensuring a speedy recovery after surgical interventions.
Leadership in radiosurgery
Radiosurgery is an area in which MIBS is the undisputed leader in our country. Since 2008, the Gamma Knife department has been successfully operating at the Oncology Clinic in Pesochny. Operations performed on this unit are the "gold standard" in brain radiosurgery. During the first year of operation alone, we performed more than 300 radiosurgical interventions, which accounted for half of all operations performed in the Russian Federation.
Today, the MIBS Gamma Knife performs more than 1600 treatments annually, and since 2014 it has been repeatedly recognized by its manufacturer - Elekta - as the most actively operating unit in the world. By 2022, the number of people treated on it has exceeded 15,000. In 2011, in addition to the Gamma Knife, MIBS acquired another unique radiosurgical unit, Cyber Knife, which allows for treating tumors of almost any localization.
Modern radiotherapy
Since 2012, hundreds of patients have received safe, modern and effective treatment with the Varian Clinac 2100 linear accelerator at the MIBS Department of Conformal Radiation Therapy. At the beginning of 2013, the first Varian TrueBeam STx linear accelerator in Russia was put into operation. This device has the highest technical reliability, it can destroy tumors of any complexity and localization, it can be used as a tool for conformal irradiation, respiratory gating techniques or radiosurgical treatment without the use of an invasive frame.
Today we have every opportunity to provide modern highly qualified radiosurgical and radiotherapeutic care to patients with tumors of any localization, vascular malformations and functional pathology. Our doctors are guided solely by medical factors in their choice of a treatment tool, which gives us an undeniable advantage over clinics with only one unit.
Advanced drug treatment
The Department of General Oncology and Chemotherapy of the Pesochny Oncology Clinic provides all types of drug therapy used in the world's leading cancer centers: chemotherapy, hormone therapy, immunotherapy. Our own pathomorphology department with a molecular genetics laboratory that performs all the types of research necessary for modern oncologists (histological, IHC, FISH, PCR, next-generation sequencing NGS) enables our doctors to develop the optimal drug therapy tactics for each patient in the shortest possible time - taking into account the immunohistochemical status and molecular genetic profile of the tumor.
Drug therapy in our Clinic is carried out both independently and in combination with radiation and/or surgical treatment, both on an outpatient basis and in a hospital. To improve the comfort of patients receiving intravenous chemotherapy, MIBS surgeons install implantable venous access port systems under imaging guidance.
High professionalism of staff
Physicians and medical physicists of the MIBS Oncology Clinic have completed training and long-term internships at leading cancer centers in the USA, Europe and Japan. We apply the best of the acquired experience in our centers. With many clinics we have visited, friendly and partnership relations have been established, which allows us to maintain our own professionalism at the world-class level.
Our specialists are full members of such well-known professional associations as the Leksell Gamma Knife Society (LGKS), the International Stereotactic Radiosurgery Society (ISRS), the European Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery (ESSFN). MIBS doctors have repeatedly made presentations at Russian and international conferences, their articles have been published in such well-known scientific journals as The Lancet Oncology, Journal of Neurosurgery (American Association of Neurological Surgeons - AANS), International Journal Of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics (American Society For Therapeutic Radiology And Oncology - ASTRO).
MIBS is the largest medical establishment
The Oncology Clinic in Pesochny is part of the Sergey Berezin Medical Institute (MIBS). MIBS is the largest private medical establishment in Russia, which includes almost 80 MRI and CT centers in more than 60 cities of Russia and Armenia, nuclear medicine centers (PET/CT diagnostics) in the regions of the Russian Federation, a video-EEG monitoring department, and the first Proton Therapy Center in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries.
All regional diagnostic centers are connected into a single telemedicine network, which allows real-time transmission of patients’ information to St. Petersburg. The total staff of the organization includes more than 2,500 employees, of which over 500 are doctors, including PhD and Doctors of Medical Sciences degree holders.