Head of the Department of general oncology and chemotherapy

Position, category:

2003 – Graduated SPbSMU named after I.P.Pavlov in health care, diploma cum laude
2004 – 2006 SRI of oncology named after prof. N.N. Petrova, residency training, department of gastrointestinal tract tumors, certificate of a specialist.

Works experience:
2006 – 2014 SpbSMU named after I.P. Pavlov, oncologist, the department of oncology of faculty surgery clinic
Qualifications upgrade training:
19.04.2007 (GCP) Pfizer GCP&Safety Training Workshop
06.07.2007 Pfizer OC-RDC Training for Investigator Sites - Data Capture
12.10.2011 Malignant tumors morphology and clinical oncology, SPbSMU named after I.P. Pavlov, the certificate of oncologist confirmed and prolonged
18.04.2014  Oncohaematological diseases, hemopoietic stem cell transplantation, SPbSMU named after I.P. Pavlov

Work experience in international clinical research:
2006 Stomach cancer, II phase, Fresenius Biotech
2007 – 2008 Breast cancer, III phase, Pfizer
2007 – 2010 Pancreatic cancer, II phase, Wilex
2008 – 2012 Stomach cancer, II phase, GSK

Research work subject matter, publications:
Systems of individual prediction, risk-adapted treatment programs
Combined treatment of locally advanced and metastatic colorectal cancer
Author of 10 publications, 1 monograph

Key lines of work:
Oncologist of the oncology department MIBS from 09.2014
Chemo-radiation programs for treating head and neck, brain, esophagus, lungs, colon tumors.
Pre-treatment (neo-adjuvant) and post-treatment (adjuvant) chemotherapy in locally advanced solid tumors
Chemotherapy, target therapy and interdisciplinary and supporting therapy for solid metastatic tumors